Thursday, February 19, 2015

Website Security

Security is for everyone

Internet security and website security are almost one in the same. If you are a business owner or do business using a website, it's not only proper ethics but it's almost mandatory.

Simple Things You Should Do

Some of the most simplest things that you should be doing are the things that you avoid doing the most. That's ok, now you know and can get on top of this.

Theory: "If I do my operating system updates it will crash or mess up my computer; I can't afford to lose that down time."

Fact: Your Operating System provider, whether it is IOS or OS (Windows and Mac), sends updates to your computer to keep it from crashing. Avoiding to do those updates can cause crashes, bugs, and vulnerabilities.

That is the whole purpose of the update, the manufacturer found something wrong and is pushing the fix to you. How easy can it be? Click that button and do those updates as they present themselves. When it comes to your website security, you are only opening the door to be hijacked. That means your customers that do business with you are at risk too.

Theory "If I don't understand what my virus protection is saying or I don't have time; than I will just close it for now. I mean come on, my computer is running fine right now!"

Fact Any type of protection program flags the user as soon as the threat is there. Yes, that means the threat is there already. Hopefully you have a virus program that quarantines, but if not than your computer is probably already infected. Once again, that means the customer's that do business with you are vulnerable too.

Theory "My software needs updates, but I don't see the reason for doing the update. Who has the time?"

Fact Just like with your operating system, it is critical to complete any updates from your software vendor. Don't leave your computer an easy target for hacking just because you didn't take the time to do updates.

One of the most important things is to know your computer and know what programs are on your computer.If you don't know what a program is used for, it's time to learn so you can protect yourself.

The list of simple things can be extensive, so we won't go into detail on all of them; but think about what your computer's status is right now.

More Complicated Security

We won't go into every way you can protect your website, but we will discuss some simple aspects. Form validation is one of the things on the top of the list. Your browser is a program. The information transfers to the server and back to the client. Simple JavaScript can be added to a form to require validation. Talk to your Web Master about form validation.

Uploading to your website is another risk. Make sure that the risk of the upload is worth the possible damage that could be caused. An example of this is having a client upload personal documents. Only allow certain file extensions to be uploaded. Make sure that what is uploaded is necessary to conduct business.

Get a SSL to go with your site. So what is SSL? SSL, Secure Socket Layer is a way to encrypt information that is being sent to and from the server and client. With the certificate the information is encrypted while in route; meaning if the information is hacked, it becomes difficult for the hacker. This is a good idea if you are using credit card numbers, social security numbers, address, and any other potential harmful information that could put you or your clients at risk for fraud.

The subject of securing a website could go into great detail; but now you have some simple things to start with.

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