The Change that will change everything...

The average website owner probably doesn't think the outcome of those results are of any value, but let me tell you first hand; change happened and you better open your eyes.
You can read article after article of what Google ranking factors are, but truth be told you will never get the full scoop or get the rules for the algorithm.
What I can say about the new change is quality content and following the rules are now part of the deal.
1. Content does Matter
2. Descriptions to Images Matter
3.Placement and keywords Matter
On some of the sites that I monitor I have noticed that the content at times will get indexed better than the meta tags in the heading of the page. If the content is good, Google is going to pick up on that. So make quality content, make the content matter, add your keywords, but make everything natural in the same token.
In certain cases, the image alt tag has become part of the indexing. I actually found the image descriptions as part of search results. I have to say, bravo to Google for that! First, you should want to do this because it helps readers that need extra assistance reading your website to have the ability. Secondly, it's a rule; so do it and get rewarded.
Let me know what you have noticed about the ranking and rating by Google.